The start of a new year brings with it a whole host of fresh opportunities. From new exercise regimes to better eating habits, it's a great time to start afresh and motivate yourself for the coming months. It definitely means leaving 2021 behind, which is a godsend for a lot of people!
For many, the new year also means planning the next career move that will make the year ahead more successful than ever. As the new year is a popular time for job seekers, employers also look to recruit during this period to ensure they attract top talent. So, if you've been thinking of looking for a new job – now is the time!
The early bird catches the worm
Getting a new job can often be a lengthy process. From CV building to signing up to a recruitment agency, applications to interviews – it can be weeks, even months, before you secure the role that's right for you.
So, what better time than now to start? The early bird catches the worm after all!
At Aquent, our range of available jobs are regularly updated, so you're sure to find something that sparks your interest. And if you don't see your dream in Creative, Marketing or Digital? Sign up to MyAquent and follow us on Linkedin and Instagram where we regularly promote new roles.
Don't limit your potential
A major mistake that we often see people make when applying for new jobs is that they limit themselves to only applying for one job at a time. Although this shows that you've got a clear direction of where you want your career to go, it can also limit your potential when there are likely dozens of other jobs available that suit your criteria.
Of course, you need to stay focused and remember what you want to get out of your next role, but also try not to put all your eggs in one basket; maximise your opportunities by consistently looking and applying for jobs that interest you! Don't miss our guide on staying motivated and keeping your job hunt organised.
Impress in the interview
So, you've got through the applications and managed to bag yourself an interview. Now is your time to shine! Although it's natural to feel a little nervous before a big interview, remember that the hiring manager must have thought that from your application, you were a good fit for the role. Make sure to manage your nerves before your interview by trying not to suppress them; instead, embrace them! Nerves just mean that the job is important to you, which all good employers will understand.
You should also do a lot of research about the company and practise good interview techniques, such as preparing questions, maintaining eye contact and ensuring good body posture. Read up here on how to tell your career story the right way – even if it doesn't quite make sense on paper.
So, why not make the changes you've been thinking about and kickstart 2022 the right way by finding your dream job with Aquent!

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